This AI mentors activists.

ProtestGPT is an activist AI that generates unique and unconventional protest ideas on any given topic. You can now chat with ProtestGPT at

Have a conversation with ProtestGPT and explore the limits of activism and AI.

Below are two sample conversations with ProtestGPT. These are real, un-edited conversations where the AI creates campaign ideas for movements to encourage Space Exploration and Universal Basic Income. Be sure to talk to ProtestGPT yourself!

Hey there! If you're as excited about reshaping activism with a bit of AI magic as I am, please forward this blog to five friends. Let's get everyone talking about how AI is changing the game of protest.

Space Exploration

User: Hi, I want to build a protest movement to redirect humanity's attention toward space exploration. I have a budget of $500 and I live in Madison, WI. I need a campaign concept that I can do in April, 2024 which will garner significant media attention.

ProtestGPT: Campaign Idea: "Cosmic Quiet" - A Silent Space Advocacy Movement

Campaign Description: Your campaign will revolve around creating a powerful, media-attractive, silent protest. Dubbed "Cosmic Quiet," this movement will involve gatherings where participants engage in silent stargazing, symbolizing humanity's quiet yearning for the stars and space exploration. This protest will be held at night, at various open spaces around Madison, WI, and it will take advantage of the city's numerous parks and lakesides. Participants will bring telescopes, star maps, and wear glow-in-the-dark attire symbolizing celestial bodies. The silent, mesmerizing tableau of people gazing towards the heavens will create a striking visual that is hard to ignore.

Theory for Why This Campaign Will Create Change:

  1. Innovation: As per Micah White's insights, innovation is key to successful protest movements​​. "Cosmic Quiet" breaks away from traditional loud, slogan-chanting protests, offering a new, peaceful, and visually impactful way to draw attention.

  2. Symbolic Power: The act of silent stargazing is a poignant metaphor for the overlooked potential of space exploration. It harnesses the power of silence as a protest tool, which can be as effective as more conventional, loud demonstrations​​.

  3. Media Appeal: The unique nature of this silent, visually stunning protest is likely to garner significant media attention, especially if it's framed as an innovative approach to advocating for space exploration.

This campaign aligns well with your budget and timeframe, utilizing low-cost materials and the power of visual symbolism to create an impactful message with limited resources.

User: Okay... do you think it will work?

ProtestGPT: Yes, I believe "Cosmic Quiet" has strong potential for success, and here's why:

  1. Visual Impact: The contrast of a silent crowd under the night sky, lit by glow-in-the-dark attire, offers a compelling visual story. This kind of imagery is likely to capture the public's imagination and gain media attention, which is crucial for spreading your message.

  2. Innovative Approach: Your campaign's silent nature is an innovative tactic in the realm of protest. As Micah White notes, innovation is critical in activism, especially when resources are limited​​. By stepping away from conventional protest norms, you're more likely to engage an audience that has become desensitized to traditional forms of protest.

  3. Emotional Resonance: The theme of space exploration naturally evokes a sense of wonder and exploration. By aligning your protest with these sentiments, you're likely to resonate emotionally with a broader audience, including those who might not typically engage with activism.

  4. Low-Cost, High-Effect: Given your budget constraints, a silent protest is financially feasible while still having the potential for high impact. It requires minimal resources beyond organization and mobilization of participants.

  5. Community Engagement: This form of protest encourages community participation and can be a family-friendly event, broadening its appeal and potential for engagement.

Remember, the success of a protest is often measured not just by immediate outcomes but also by the conversation it starts and the awareness it raises. "Cosmic Quiet" has the potential to do just that for space exploration.

User: Can you write a press release for me that will appeal to the local media?

ProtestGPT: Certainly! Here's a draft of a press release for your "Cosmic Quiet" campaign:


[Your Name]
[Your Contact Information]
Email: [Your Email]
Phone: [Your Phone Number]

Date: [Today’s Date]

Silent Stargazers to Illuminate Madison's Night in a Unique Protest for Space Exploration

Madison, WI - In a first-of-its-kind event, residents of Madison will gather in a silent demonstration advocating for increased attention towards space exploration. Dubbed "Cosmic Quiet," this peaceful protest will take place on [Date of the Event] at [Specific Location], starting from [Time].

Organized by local space enthusiasts, "Cosmic Quiet" aims to redirect humanity's attention to the stars through a compelling silent protest. Participants will engage in stargazing, using telescopes and star maps, while dressed in glow-in-the-dark attire to symbolize celestial bodies. This unique event stands out by its silent, mesmerizing nature, where the act of looking towards the heavens serves as a powerful metaphor for our often overlooked potential in space exploration.

"This isn't just a protest; it's a movement to reignite our collective imagination about what lies beyond our planet," said [Your Name], the organizer of the event. "In the tranquility of the night, we want to send a clear, yet silent message about the importance of looking upwards and dreaming big."

The event promises to be visually striking, hoping to attract local and national media attention. It's not just a gathering but a statement - one that fits perfectly with Madison's reputation for innovative and peaceful demonstrations.

"We are aiming for a powerful, yet peaceful demonstration of our passion for space exploration," [Your Name] continued. "We believe that the unique approach of 'Cosmic Quiet' will resonate with people of all ages and backgrounds."

The event is open to the public, and attendees are encouraged to bring their own telescopes and wear attire inspired by the cosmos.

For more information about "Cosmic Quiet," please contact [Your Name] at [Your Contact Information].

About [Your Organization/Group Name]:
[Your Organization/Group Name] is a group of space enthusiasts and activists based in Madison, WI, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of space exploration. Our mission is to inspire our community and beyond to look towards the stars and consider the vast potential of space exploration.

End of Release

Feel free to customize this template with your specific details and any additional information you'd like to include. The key is to make the press release engaging and informative, emphasizing the uniqueness and visual appeal of your event.

User: Great! I'll let you know how it goes. Thank you :)

ProtestGPT: You're very welcome! I'm excited to hear how "Cosmic Quiet" unfolds and the impact it has. Remember, the success of such a campaign often lies in its ability to inspire and engage the community, and it sounds like you're on a fantastic path to doing just that. If you have any more questions, need further assistance, or want to share updates on your campaign, feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your event! 🌌✨

Universal Basic Income

User: Hey, so I have a unique problem that I need your help with. I am passionate about Universal Basic Income (UBI). I live in Baltimore, MD and I want to create a campaign to build public support for UBI.

ProtestGPT: I understand your passion for advocating Universal Basic Income (UBI) in Baltimore, MD. Let's create a dynamic and impactful campaign to build public support for UBI. Considering the unique nature of your cause and location, I'll draw upon the principles from "The End of Protest" by Micah White and my specialized training in campaign creation to propose an innovative approach.


Let's organize a "UBI Experience Week" in Baltimore. This campaign will involve setting up temporary installations across the city where people can experience a simulated version of life with UBI. Each installation will showcase different aspects of daily life – like grocery shopping, childcare, education, and healthcare – under a UBI system. The aim is to provide a tangible, first-hand experience of how UBI could positively impact daily living and societal structures.


The UBI Experience Week will consist of interactive simulations and informative booths spread across various neighborhoods in Baltimore. These simulations will be designed to mimic scenarios where UBI is a norm, demonstrating its potential to alleviate financial stress and enhance quality of life. The campaign will also feature testimonials from individuals who have benefited from UBI pilots in other regions, providing personal stories and data to back the concept.

Volunteers and UBI experts will be available at each installation to answer questions, provide information, and encourage discussions. The campaign will also integrate an online component, including a virtual tour of the installations and live-streamed discussions, making it accessible to those who cannot attend in person.


Micah White, in "The End of Protest," emphasizes the power of innovative and experiential forms of protest. By enabling people to 'live' the benefits of UBI, even if briefly, this campaign aims to shift public opinion from abstract understanding to emotional and practical endorsement. The immersive nature of the experience will help dismantle misconceptions and fears surrounding UBI, fostering a stronger public push for its implementation.

This approach aligns with the new wave of activism that focuses on direct engagement and tangible experiences, as advocated by White. By bringing the concept of UBI into people's everyday lives, the campaign seeks to create a deeper, more personal connection with the issue, thereby generating stronger advocacy for policy change.

User: That's an interesting idea. A couple of questions: 1) How would I go about organizing this? 2) Can you write a sample Call to Action that I can post online?

ProtestGPT: Absolutely! Let's break down the steps for organizing the "UBI Experience Week" and then craft a compelling Call to Action for your online platforms.


1. Form a Planning Team: Gather a group of passionate individuals who support UBI. Include people with diverse skills – event planning, financial management, community outreach, and digital marketing.

2. Research and Design Installations: Each installation should reflect a different aspect of life under UBI. Conduct research to ensure the scenarios are realistic and engaging. Consider partnering with local artists, technologists, and storytellers for creative input.

3. Secure Locations: Identify public spaces in Baltimore where you can set up the installations. Look for high-traffic areas and ensure you have the necessary permits.

4. Outreach for Partnerships and Sponsors: Reach out to local businesses, non-profits, and educational institutions for sponsorships or partnerships. They can provide funding, materials, or help with promotions.

5. Volunteer Recruitment and Training: Recruit volunteers to help with the setup, operation, and dismantling of installations. Provide them with training and information about UBI to ensure they can effectively engage with the public.

6. Promotion: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy. Use social media, local media outlets, community boards, and word-of-mouth to spread the word.

7. Launch an Online Presence: Create a website and social media pages for the event. Use these platforms to provide updates, share information about UBI, and build excitement.

8. Event Execution: Set up and run the installations. Ensure each site is engaging and informative, and collect feedback from participants for future improvements.

9. Follow-up: After the event, debrief with your team. Share the success and learning points with your supporters and consider planning follow-up events or actions based on the feedback received.



Join Us for a Week of Discovery: Experience Life with Universal Basic Income (UBI) in Baltimore!

🌟 Imagine a world where financial stability is a reality for everyone. 🌟

We're bringing this vision to the streets of Baltimore with our unique "UBI Experience Week." Through interactive installations across the city, you'll step into a future where Universal Basic Income is a norm.

Why UBI? Why Now?

- 🌱 Economic Security: UBI promises a baseline of stability in our fast-changing world.

- 💡 Empowerment: It enables people to pursue education, start businesses, and engage in community life without the constant strain of financial survival.

- 🤝 Community Strength: UBI can reduce poverty and inequality, leading to a healthier, more cohesive society.

Be Part of the Change!

- 📅 Date: [Insert Date]

- 📍 Locations: [Insert Key Locations]

- 🌐 More Info & Volunteer Sign-Up: [Insert Website/Social Media Links]

Together, let's explore how UBI can reshape our city and our lives. It's more than a campaign; it's a glimpse into a future we can create together.

#UBIExperienceBaltimore #ImagineUBI #EconomicFreedomForAll


Feel free to customize this Call to Action to fit your campaign's tone and specifics. Good luck with your campaign – it's a step towards not just advocating for UBI but making it a lived experience for many!

User: Any recommendations for locations in Baltimore to stage this protest event?

ProtestGPT: Certainly! Choosing strategic locations in Baltimore for the "UBI Experience Week" is crucial to maximize engagement and impact. Here are some suggestions:

1. Inner Harbor: As a popular tourist destination and central gathering spot, Inner Harbor would be ideal for high visibility. It could attract a diverse audience, from locals to visitors, providing broad exposure.

2. Baltimore Farmers' Market & Bazaar: This is a great location to engage with local residents. Setting up an installation here could draw in people who are already interested in community and sustainability – key themes in UBI conversations.

3. Federal Hill Park: Known for its stunning views and community gatherings, Federal Hill Park could be a great place for more contemplative, discussion-based installations.

4. The Johns Hopkins University: Utilizing a space in or near this renowned university could attract students, educators, and professionals. It’s an excellent spot for more informational and data-driven presentations about UBI.

5. Arts and Entertainment Districts: Areas like Station North Arts and Entertainment District are frequented by a creatively inclined demographic. Interactive and artistic installations here could resonate well.

6. Lexington Market: As one of the oldest markets in America, it's a hub of daily activity. An installation here could engage a wide cross-section of Baltimore’s population in a familiar, community-centered setting.

7. Community Centers in Diverse Neighborhoods: Consider reaching out to community centers in various neighborhoods. Each neighborhood has its unique character and concerns, which could inform the design of your installations and discussions.

8. Public Libraries: Baltimore’s public libraries could be key locations for smaller, more educational setups. They're accessible spaces and often serve as community hubs.

When selecting these locations, consider the logistics like space availability, permits, accessibility, and how well the space aligns with the goals of each installation. Engaging with local businesses and community leaders for support and collaboration can also be beneficial. This local integration not only aids in the logistical aspects but also ensures the campaign resonates more deeply with the community.

User: Thanks!

ProtestGPT: You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance as you move forward with your campaign for Universal Basic Income in Baltimore, feel free to reach out. Best of luck with your efforts to create meaningful change. Your passion and initiative are commendable! 🌟👍

If you're as excited about reshaping activism with a bit of AI magic as I am, please forward this newsletter to five friends. Let's get everyone talking about how AI is changing the game of protest. And be sure to try ProtestGPT for yourself!